Wild Pantanal!

…little north of Pocone. This was a popular locals’ river beach that was recommended by the www.landcruisingadventure.com folks. We spent the next two nights bush camping on the side of the Transpatanaira road. We picked flat areas off the road and away from any water. The caymans come out of the water at night and stroll around. Next, we did three nights on the property of Hotel Porto Jofre on the bank of Rio Cuiaba (Cuiaba River). We finished wi… Continue reading

Two Border Crossings in One Day

…had to pay cache in the building next door. At this point I was so tired I simply started laughing. I told him flat out “Yo pago nada” – I pay nothing. I explained there were no one-way street signs anywhere. He insisted that I was at fault since the traffic light made it abundantly clear… Mind you, that we were sitting right under the non-functioning light … At this point I had already decided that I am not paying and I am not coming out of the c… Continue reading

Leaving Earth – Bolvia’s Salar de Uyuni and Sur Lipez Province

…st day in Bolivia began in epic style with a 360-degree view along with coffee and crepes on top of Dali’s rocks. The decent down from the rock we were perched upon was equally as memorable because of a close call (we’ll leave it at that). We had the truck packed and ready to go when two park rangers drove up and let us know that we were not supposed to drive anywhere near Dali’s rocks and hadn’t we received and information packet? Well, no we did… Continue reading